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Pickleball Hub Planned for Donaldson Park by Avon Park CRA

Pickleball Hub Planned for Donaldson Park: Avon Park Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Advisory Board gathered to discuss the promising future of Donaldson Park on Thursday, specifically its potential as a pickleball hub. This meeting was a follow-up to the joint session held earlier this month, where the groundwork for the project began to take shape.

Vision for Development

Shawn Holiday, the CRA’s Communications and Project Coordinator laid out a clear vision for the development. His goal is straightforward: to push for a Request for Proposal (RFP) and kickstart construction by year’s end. “My impression was that the eight-court configuration is the most feasible for the community’s needs and could even attract tournaments,” he stated, emphasizing the importance of local input.

Holiday engaged with numerous stakeholders, including the Tourist Development Council and Councilwoman Brittany McGuire, to gauge the tournament landscape. His findings were enlightening—while ten courts might suffice for local events, higher-level tournaments often require up to twenty.

Urgency for Action

The discussion took an interesting turn when Holiday referenced comments from Jason Atkinson, the public works director, who suggested that other parcels within Avon Park could be utilized to spread out the courts. “I strongly urge that we finalize something at this meeting so we can move forward with this project,” he pressed, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

Though the state of the Avon Park Shuffleboard Clubhouse didn’t come up during the last workshop, Holiday described it as “quaint” but in need of a facelift. He proposed the addition of a commercial kitchen to cater not just for pickleball tournaments but for various community events, a nod to the facility’s potential for broader engagement.

Community Engagement and Support

Board Member Bill Jarrett, eager to delve deeper, posed a critical question about court management. He highlighted the community’s tradition of supporting charity events through local sports, noting that “these things have become the substitute” for engagement, filling the calendar year-round with meaningful activities.

Bill Jarrett recalled remarks from Sebring Pickleball Club President Dana Adams about the sport’s social nature, emphasizing that pickleball is as much about community as it is about competition. Chairman Rick Hayes echoed this sentiment, suggesting a new facility be built north of the courts to “gather” the community.

The idea of involving the Avon Park Chamber of Commerce in project management sparked debate. Bill Jarrett, who serves on the chamber’s board, expressed his reservations but acknowledged the need for a sustainable management plan. Vice-chair Gerald Snell probed further, asking about maintenance strategies to ensure the courts remain pristine.

“Donaldson Park is busy during the daytime,” Hayes noted, a statement that painted a hopeful picture for the park’s future. He highlighted that community engagement was vital to the park’s success, reiterating, “For the businesses to keep downtown alive, the more people you have coming downtown, the better.”

Financial Clarity and Future Prospects

Interim City Manager Christian Hardman provided clarity on financial expectations, asserting the City aims to cover operational costs without profiting from the courts. The discussion turned to the possibility of establishing a business within the park to sell pickleball equipment, drawing inspiration from successful models in other locations.

Holiday concluded the meeting with optimism, suggesting this project could “rejuvenate” the need for a Parks and Recreation Department. His vision is that the configuration, regardless of its specifics, represents a monumental step for both the park and the city.

Ultimately, the CRA Advisory Board settled on maintaining eight pickleball courts, a decision that will be reviewed in future discussions. For the community of Avon Park, this initiative isn’t just about the courts; it’s about fostering connections, promoting activity, and breathing new life into their cherished park.

Pickleball Hub Planned for Donaldson Park

News in Brief: Pickleball Hub Planned for Donaldson Park

The Avon Park Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Advisory Board met to discuss the future of Donaldson Park as a potential pickleball hub. Shawn Holiday, the CRA’s Project Coordinator, proposed a Request for Proposal (RFP) to kickstart construction by year’s end, advocating for eight courts to meet community needs. The board emphasized the importance of local input and community engagement, with discussions on expanding court locations and improving facilities, including a commercial kitchen. The board expressed optimism about the park’s role in building connections and promoting activities. Ultimately, they agreed to maintain eight courts, highlighting the initiative’s potential to rejuvenate the local Parks and Recreation Department and enhance community engagement.

Also read: Indoor Pickleball Club at Newtown Shopping Center is Set to Open



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