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HomePickleball NewsMastering Serve with Catherine Parenteau: Key Tip for Success

Mastering Serve with Catherine Parenteau: Key Tip for Success

Mastering Serve with Catherine Parenteau: In the sport of pickleball, a strong serve can set the tone for the entire game. Catherine Parenteau, a prominent figure on the pickleball circuit, recently shared a valuable insight into perfecting the serve. Her latest Instagram post offers a simple yet effective technique that can significantly enhance a player’s serving prowess.

The Common Mistake

In her post, Parenteau addresses a frequent issue among players: the positioning of the ball during the serve. “Do you struggle with your serve? Here’s a quick tip on serving. I see a lot of people when they hold their ball and they’re about to serve, they hold it right in front of them. When they follow through, their body’s in the way,” she notes. This common error can obstruct the serve and limit its effectiveness, as the player’s body interferes with the follow-through.

The Correct Ball Placement

The solution Parenteau provides is straightforward yet impactful. She advises players to adjust the position of the ball slightly to the right of their body. This adjustment ensures that the body does not obstruct the serve, allowing for a cleaner follow-through.

“What you wanna make sure is that you’re holding the ball slightly to your right, so your body is not in the way anymore and you can follow through towards your target on the other side.” – (Parenteau)

For left-handed players, the adjustment is mirrored. Instead of holding the ball directly in front, they should position it slightly to the left. This small tweak can lead to a more accurate and powerful serve, as the follow-through remains unobstructed.

Practical Application

Implementing this tip can make a notable difference in a player’s serving game. By positioning the ball properly, players can enhance their serve’s precision and power, making it a more effective weapon on the court. This adjustment not only improves the serve but also boosts overall confidence and performance during matches.

Catherine Parenteau’s advice shows the importance of attention to detail in pickleball. A minor adjustment can transform a struggling serve into a game-changing asset. For players looking to refine their serving technique, following Parenteau’s tip is a crucial step toward achieving greater success on the court.

News in Brief: Mastering Serve with Catherine Parenteau

Catherine Parenteau offers a crucial serving tip for pickleball players: avoid positioning the ball directly in front of your body. In her latest Instagram post, she explains that this common mistake can obstruct your serve. Instead, she advises placing the ball slightly to the right (or left for left-handed players) to ensure a clear follow-through.

This simple adjustment helps prevent the body from interfering with the serve, resulting in a more accurate and powerful shot. By implementing this technique, players can enhance their serving effectiveness, boost confidence, and improve overall performance on the court. Parenteau’s insight highlights the impact of small adjustments in perfecting pickleball skills.

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