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HomePickleball NewsJames Ignatowich Sharing Winning Secrets: Transform Your Game with Serve and Drop

James Ignatowich Sharing Winning Secrets: Transform Your Game with Serve and Drop

James Ignatowich Sharing Winning Secrets: In Episode 80 of the James Ignatowich Show, the pickleball pro delved deep into the game’s most fundamental elements — the serve and the third shot drop. Ignatowich, known for his analytical approach to the game, emphasized the importance of these two shots in setting the tone for a match and controlling the court.

Ignatowich began by breaking down the serve, highlighting the benefits of a powerful shot. “Hitting a hard serve can generate a missed return by your opponent and set up an easier third shot drop,” he explained. He believes that even players who may not naturally have a powerful serve should aim to hit it as hard as possible to disrupt their opponent’s rhythm. According to Ignatowich, a hard serve often leads to a weaker return, providing the server with an advantageous position to execute the third shot drop — a move widely regarded as one of the most crucial in pickleball.

The third shot drop is designed to land softly in the opponent’s kitchen area, preventing them from making an aggressive return. “If you hit the serve really hard, the average return that comes to you is basically a cupcake,” Ignatowich stated, suggesting that a soft return is easier to handle, thus allowing the server to control the flow of the game. He added that if a player struggles with their third shot drop, they should focus on hitting harder serves to force weaker returns.

Ignatowich also discussed the role of right-side players in today’s pickleball landscape, noting a shift in how they approach the game. Traditionally, right-side players played more conservatively, focusing on defensive strategies. However, Ignatowich observed a trend where right-side players have become more aggressive, attempting to speed up play and create more opportunities.

Right-side players are speeding up the game to a bigger area of the court than left-side players,” Ignatowich explained. “If you’re a right-side player, you’re speeding it up at a left-side player who’s got to cover the middle with their forehand, which is a gray area between the right-side player’s backhand and the left-side player’s forehand.” This dynamic forces left-side players into difficult positions, often exposing weaknesses in their defensive setups.

Ignatowich provided further insights from his recent experience at the PPA Las Vegas tournament, where he teamed up with Max Freeman, one of the sport’s rising stars. Freeman, known for his aggressive style and tactical acumen, has been pioneering new strategies for right-side players, including a powerful cross-court speed-up shot aimed at the opponent’s right shoulder. “It’s the toughest shot to get out of the way of,” Ignatowich noted, referencing Freeman’s successful use of this tactic against top-tier opponents.

Freeman, along with fellow pro Ryan Fu, has been making significant strides on the professional circuit. Ignatowich predicts that both players will break into the top 20 rankings by mid-next year, thanks in part to their innovative approaches and relentless training.

The episode concluded with Ignatowich reflecting on his Las Vegas experience, emphasizing the evolving nature of pickleball strategy. As the game grows, players are continually finding new ways to challenge their opponents, making mastery of fundamental skills like the serve and third shot drop even more critical. For aspiring players and seasoned pros alike, Ignatowich’s advice remains clear: “If you want to control the game, start with a strong serve.

News in Brief : James Ignatowich Sharing Winning Secrets

In Episode 80 of the James Ignatowich Show, the pickleball pro dissected the serve and third shot drop, emphasizing their importance in controlling a match. Ignatowich stressed that a powerful serve can lead to a weak return, setting up an advantageous third shot drop. He observed a trend of right-side players becoming more aggressive, speeding up play, and exploiting opponents’ weaknesses. Ignatowich highlighted Max Freeman’s innovative strategies, like the cross-court speed-up shot, and predicted Freeman and Ryan Fu will enter the top 20 rankings by next year. Ignatowich concluded that mastering these fundamentals is crucial for game control.

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