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HomePickleball NewsUSA Pickleball NewsNew Pickleball Courts in Shadyside: A Game Changer for Local Sports

New Pickleball Courts in Shadyside: A Game Changer for Local Sports

New Pickleball Courts in Shadyside: After numerous requests from residents, pickleball has officially arrived in Shadyside. The Mead Township Park District faced pressure to create a local venue for this popular sport, prompting Chairman Tim Merryman to explore options for a temporary court.

From Basketball Court to Pickleball Paradise

The original plan involved resurfacing part of a former basketball court designated for two pickleball courts. However, after further inspection by Council members Melanie Haswell and Merryman, it became clear that the entire court was in disrepair.

“It had so many different lines going everywhere it almost looked like a road map. It had some lines for basketball, some lines that were painted wrong, some lines that were pink or faded pink.” – (Haswell)

Haswell proposed to the anonymous donor that resurfacing the entire court would be a better investment, a suggestion the donor embraced. Ultimately, the contribution totaled $14,000, ensuring a comprehensive renovation.

Collaboration Makes It Happen

Merryman acknowledged the collective effort that made this project a reality. “This was a big collaboration between a lot of different groups,” he said. He noted significant contributions from Mead Township, the village of Shadyside, the Shadyside Village Council, Shadyside Youth Baseball and Softball, and the Junior Sports Organization.

Pickleball’s Rising Popularity

In preparation for the new courts, Haswell attended a pickleball boot camp with the Ohio Valley Pickleball Club, led by J.T. Thomas.

“It’s the craze now. They have them in Wheeling, Moundsville, and I think Bellaire is getting them. They’re everywhere, so we figured people would make use of them.” – (Haswell)

Merryman added that the growing interest in pickleball spans various demographics, contributing to its appeal.

“It’s just not limited to young people, males, females, and a lot of older people are playing this game. When you’re playing doubles, you don’t have to do a lot of movement, so it’s a good game and it’s exciting.” – (Merryman)

Future Plans for the Courts

Currently, the courts operate on a first-come, first-served basis, but Merryman and Haswell envision future leagues and tournaments.

“Something we wanted to stress is please be courteous on your playing time. If you’re playing while other people are waiting, just rotate them in.” – (Merryman)

For now, the courts feature heavy-duty rollaway nets, but Haswell aims to install permanent nets. Players will need to bring their paddles and balls, although Merryman is considering providing some equipment on-site for newcomers to try the game.

With the installation of these new courts, Merryman confirmed that hockey will no longer be permitted in the resurfaced area.

“There was one time where they were playing hockey down here and the pucks were just damaging too much stuff, so we’re going to shy away from that.” – (Merryman)

He suggested that residents interested in hockey could utilize the space at Leona Middle School or the full-sized roller hockey rink at Tunnel Green Park in Wheeling.

News in Brief: New Pickleball Courts in Shadyside

Shadyside has officially added pickleball courts after strong community demand. An anonymous donor contributed $14,000 to resurfacing a former basketball court into two new pickleball courts. Council member Melanie Haswell emphasized the need for proper facilities, citing the sport’s growing popularity.

The courts will operate on a first-come, first-served basis initially, with plans for leagues and tournaments in the future. Currently, players need to bring their paddles and balls, while plans for permanent nets are underway. Hockey will no longer be allowed on the courts due to damage concerns.

ALSO READ: Soule Park’s Brand-New Pickleball Courts Set for Grand Opening This Friday: Exciting Updates and Key Regulations



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