Debate Over Wain Park’s Pickleball Court: The plan to build a new pickleball court at Wain Park, located off Birch Road, has raised multiple concerns from local residents. While the cost of constructing the court has been widely discussed, the issue of road safety and noise disruption has been largely overlooked.
Residents of Chalet Road, near the proposed site, have voiced concerns about the heavy parking on Birch Road during the day. The narrow street, often congested with vehicles, becomes a one-lane road, making it difficult for both residents and walkers to navigate. Birch Road serves as a primary route for elementary students heading to school and as access to local services, including a service station and corner store.
Noise By-law Violations
A key concern voiced by residents is the potential violation of a long-standing noise bylaw. The bylaw prohibits disturbances to the
“quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort, or convenience” (people in the neighborhood).
The construction of the pickleball court, with its expected high usage seven days a week, from dawn to dusk, is seen as incompatible with this bylaw, particularly for those living near Wain Park.
Residents argue that their lifestyle and comfort, having invested in their homes, should not be negatively impacted by what they view as a non-essential activity. They suggest that the priority should be the residents’ quality of life, rather than the interests of pickleball players.
Proposal for Relocation
Residents are now calling on local councils to reconsider the location of the pickleball court. They propose moving the facility to a more central location, such as Hampson Park, which is situated between the Pat Bay Highway and Lochside Drive. This location would provide off-street parking, preventing the illegal parking problems seen on Birch Road, and could also offer the possibility of building a sound barrier to mitigate noise.
The idea is for municipalities like Sidney, North Saanich, and Central Saanich to pool resources to create a shared facility, rather than having individual councils bear the cost of constructing separate courts. The goal is to create an accessible facility for all residents on the Peninsula, with the added benefit of a membership fee to cover ongoing costs, ensuring the pickleball courts remain sustainable in the long term.
News in Brief: Debate Over Wain Park’s Pickleball Court
While the pickleball community is growing, the residents of Birch Road and surrounding areas stress the importance of balancing the needs of sports enthusiasts with the well-being of local residents. Moving the pickleball courts to a more suitable location, like Hampson Park, may resolve both the road safety and noise concerns, allowing for a more peaceful coexistence between the residents and the sport.