Rock the Pickle Tournament: The picturesque Muskoka region will be graced by the inaugural Rock the Pickle tournament on August 24, promising a unique blend of pickleball and philanthropy. Set against the scenic backdrop of Lake Rosseau and Lake Joe, the event aims to support Melanoma Canada, a cause dedicated to combating melanoma and other skin cancers, which are among the few cancers on the rise today.
The day will feature a series of pickleball matches at Cleveland’s House and various nearby cottages. Participants can compete in teams of two or four, while also engaging in fundraising efforts to advance research and raise awareness about skin cancer. The festivities will culminate in a gala evening, complete with auctions, awards, and a special performance by Canadian rock artist Suzie McNeil.
Celebrity Participants
Adding star power to the event, actors Emily Hampshire, Benjamin Hollingsworth, and Billy Baldwin will join SportsCentre anchor Lindsay Hamilton in the tournament’s lineup. Hamilton, in a promotional video, expressed her excitement for the event, stating, “We’re going to be hanging out in Muskoka, a full-day tournament of pickleball followed by the pickleball gala, and the best part is that it supports a cause near and dear to my heart: Melanoma Canada.
“The goal is to end all deaths caused by melanoma, and we’re going to have a fun day in support of a great cause.” Hamilton said, fresh off hosting the Olympics, is eager to bring her competitive spirit to the court, inviting others to join her in this meaningful endeavor. “I will be channeling that Olympic energy for Rock the Pickle in Muskoka,” she added.
Billy Baldwin’s Enthusiasm
Actor Billy Baldwin, a familiar face in Muskoka due to his involvement with the Boat Rally for Kids and Cancer, also voiced his enthusiasm. “If you’re looking for something fun and exciting to do this summer, I suggest you get off your butts and join me for the inaugural Rock the Pickle tournament to help smash out skin cancer in Canada,” Baldwin urged in a video. He praised the event’s setting, noting, “Rock the Pickle is going to be August 24th, and we will be playing at five spectacular cottages on Lake Joe and Rosseau.” Baldwin, who views Muskoka as one of the world’s most beautiful locales, expressed his eagerness to support the cause and engage with participants.
Call to Action
Baldwin encouraged potential participants to register and contribute to the fight against skin cancer. “Register today and help Melanoma Canada make a difference in the lives of those who are battling skin cancer,” he said. With a nod to the event’s social aspect, he added, “And hey, if you sign up for a team, maybe we’ll play, maybe we’ll have a couple of cold ones, or maybe both.” The Rock the Pickle tournament promises not only a day of spirited competition but also a significant impact on skin cancer research and awareness.
News in Brief: Rock the Pickle Tournament
The inaugural Rock the Pickle tournament takes place on August 24 in Muskoka, featuring pickleball matches at Lake Rosseau and Lake Joe, followed by a gala with auctions, awards, and a performance by Canadian rock artist Suzie McNeil. The event supports Melanoma Canada, focusing on melanoma and skin cancer research. Celebrity participants include Emily Hampshire, Benjamin Hollingsworth, Billy Baldwin, and SportsCentre anchor Lindsay Hamilton. Hamilton encourages all to join, promising Olympic-level energy. Baldwin praises Muskoka’s beauty and invites attendees to support the cause and enjoy the tournament’s social aspects
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