HomePickleball NewsPickleball Court Quirks: The Funniest and Most Annoying Sayings

Pickleball Court Quirks: The Funniest and Most Annoying Sayings

Pickleball Court Quirks: Pickleball, a rapidly growing sport known for its mix of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, comes with its own unique culture and vernacular. From humorous quips to slightly annoying catchphrases, these sayings have become a beloved part of the game’s social fabric. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the courts, understanding these common expressions can add to the enjoyment of the game and offer a glimpse into the quirky side of pickleball culture.

Sorry … not sorry

In pickleball, when a shot hits the top of the net and dribbles over, it’s customary to say “Sorry” to your opponents. However, some players take it a step further by adding “Not sorry” while walking back to the baseline, snickering to themselves and their teammates. This blend of courtesy and sarcasm has become a pickleball staple.

One more game?

The classic line “One more game?” is often a ploy to keep playing long after everyone’s ready to stop. In pickleball lore, no one has ever truly played just one more game.

Same guy

This phrase pops up when a player makes a fantastic shot only to follow it with a blunder. It’s a playful, passive-aggressive reminder that performance is only as good as the last shot.

The Finger Wag

More than a saying, the Dikembe Mutombo-style finger wag is a dramatic way of saying “Not in my house.” It’s a bold gesture often met with mixed reactions. Watch pro players like Callie Jo Smith and Lea Jansen use this move in their matches, adding an extra layer of flair to their play.

Did someone order chicken wings?

This quirky saying refers to the awkward position of hitting a backhand shot with your elbow raised. Though rare, it’s a humorous jab at the challenging angle, akin to a dad joke in pickleball.

Calling a Ball Out When It’s In

Jokingly calling a ball out when it was in, or saying “kitchen” when no violation occurred, is a common quirk. It’s a way to tease opponents or simply add a bit of humor to the game.

Asking for Money to Return a Ball

When a ball rolls onto another court, some players might joke, “You can have it back for a dollar.” This playful demand is typically made by older players and adds a lighthearted touch to the game.

So you’re telling me there’s a chance

When trailing significantly, saying “So you’re telling me there’s a chance” echoes a famous line from Dumb & Dumber. It’s a way to keep spirits up even when the score seems insurmountable.

Two stops

This motivational phrase is used to encourage a team to stop the opponents’ two serves and earn a chance to serve themselves. It’s a quirky reminder of the game’s tactical elements.

Nice shot

Saying “Nice shot” when a shot was less than stellar, or barely made it over the net, can be both genuine and sarcastic. It’s a common phrase that adds a layer of social dynamics to the game.

News in Brief: Pickleball Court Quirks

Pickleball courts are abuzz with a range of quirky and comical sayings. Common phrases include “Sorry … not sorry,” a sarcastic take on net dribbles, and “One more game?” which often leads to extended play. Other amusing expressions include “Same guy” for inconsistent performances and the dramatic finger wag,  Watch pro players like Callie Jo Smith and Lea Jansen use this move in their matches. Players might joke about a “chicken wing” backhand or demand money to return a stray ball. With lines like “So you’re telling me there’s a chance” and motivational phrases like “Two stops,” pickleball’s language is as lively as the game itself.

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