HomePickleball NewsScott Crandall’s Pickleball Lessons: Training the Pros

Scott Crandall’s Pickleball Lessons: Training the Pros

Scott Crandall’s Pickleball Lessons: In the competitive world of pickleball, Scott Crandall’s advice is gold. Known as the “Pro for the Pros,” Crandall’s wisdom on game strategy can elevate players from average to exceptional. Recently, Crandall joined the podcast to share his deep understanding of the game and pickleball strategies, and his insights are both enlightening and practical.

From Corporate Life to Pickleball Success

Crandall’s journey from a corporate career to becoming a top pickleball coach is a testament to his dedication and passion. He shared, “I worked for Amgen for 15 years, just a very corporate job in biotech. It was great, but I didn’t realize until I stopped working that corporate life is still a prison. Once you get out, it’s like, oh my God, I wouldn’t go back.” His transition from the corporate world to pickleball reflects his commitment to finding fulfillment and pursuing what he loves.

A Coach to Many Top Pros

Today, Crandall is not only coaching the Bay Area Breakers but also guiding many top professional players, including Jesse Irving, Lacy Schneeman, and Vivien Glosman. His impact on the sport is profound, showcasing his expertise and ability to elevate players to their best.

Handling Pressure in Tight Matches

Crandall’s experience in high-stakes matches highlights the critical role of execution under pressure. As he explains, “We were down to 20 all and ended up with their number one girl against our number two girl. Our number two girl won, but it wasn’t luck—it was about execution under pressure.” This comment underscores the importance of maintaining composure and performing under the most intense conditions.

Exploiting Opponents’ Preferences

One of Crandall’s strategic principles involves understanding and disrupting your opponent’s preferences. He points out, “One of my favorite quotes is, ‘On every team, there’s someone who likes it fast and someone who likes it slow. Your job is to figure out who’s who and give them the opposite.’” This tactic involves identifying whether an opponent prefers a fast-paced game or a slower one and then using this knowledge to your advantage.

Aggression in Critical Moments

In critical moments, Crandall advocates for calculated aggression. He advises, “When you’re at 10-all and you have two chances to win the game, I recommend being aggressive on that first point. If it doesn’t work, you still have the second point to rely on.” This approach balances risk with opportunity, encouraging players to seize the moment when the stakes are highest.

Unexpected Aggression: A Strategic Tool

Crandall shares an anecdote about Andrei Daescu, illustrating the power of unexpected aggression. “Andre taught me the value of unexpected aggression. He’d been solid throughout the match, and then suddenly, he’d go for an aggressive shot. It caught opponents off guard because they weren’t expecting it.” This strategy emphasizes the effectiveness of surprising opponents with sudden, well-timed aggressive plays.

Commitment to the Game Plan

Finally, Crandall emphasizes the importance of sticking to one’s game plan. He asserts, “You can’t judge yourself solely based on the outcome. It’s about staying committed to your game plan and executing it as best as you can.” This advice reinforces the idea that consistency and commitment to strategy are crucial, regardless of immediate results.

Scott Crandall’s insights offer valuable lessons for players at all levels. By understanding and applying these principles, players can enhance their performance and navigate the complexities of competitive pickleball tips with greater confidence and skill.

News In Brief: Scott Crandall’s Pickleball Lessons

Scott Crandall, known as the “Pro for the Pros,” recently shared his expert pickleball strategies on a podcast. Crandall, who transitioned from a 15-year corporate career at Amgen to coaching top pros, including Jesse Irving, Lacy Schneeman, and Vivien Glosman, emphasizes execution under pressure, exploiting opponents’ preferences, and calculated aggression in critical moments. He also highlights the value of unexpected aggression and the importance of sticking to a game plan. Crandall’s insights provide valuable lessons for elevating players’ performance in competitive pickleball tips.

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