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HomePickleball NewsO‘ahu Pickleball's Rapid Growth: Donna Ching’s Impact on Hawaii’s Courts

O‘ahu Pickleball’s Rapid Growth: Donna Ching’s Impact on Hawaii’s Courts

O‘ahu Pickleball’s Rapid Growth: The O‘ahu Pickleball Association (OPA), under the leadership of founder Donna Ching, is at the forefront of promoting pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the United States. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association’s 2024 Topline Participation Report, pickleball continues its rapid expansion with an estimated 13 million players nationwide.

Donna Ching, who established OPA in April 2017, has been instrumental in this growth. Originally from Silicon Valley, Ching’s sports background includes extensive experience in tennis. Her transition to pickleball began during a 2016 USTA national championship in Arizona, where she was immediately captivated by the sport.

Upon returning to Hawai‘i, Ching and her husband Kevin launched “Learn to Play Pickleball in an Hour” sessions. These free classes utilized various courts around O‘ahu, marking lines and setting up equipment to introduce newcomers to the sport. The initiative, which leveraged social media for organization, grew into Hawaii’s largest Meetup group with over 5,000 members.

OPA’s mission extends beyond introductory lessons. The association, operated by a volunteer board, offers a range of activities including lessons, tournaments, and demonstrations. The pandemic did not hinder the sport’s popularity; rather, it saw an increase in play as people adapted creatively to the restrictions. OPA responded by ramping up its offerings, including the creation of two leagues for different age groups and ongoing efforts to develop a Juniors Pickleball Program.

The organization has also championed health benefits associated with pickleball, such as improved balance, cardiovascular fitness, and mental well-being. Recognizing the sport’s community and social advantages, OPA continues to advocate for more dedicated pickleball courts across O‘ahu and has initiated various community service projects.

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Looking ahead, OPA will support the Hawai‘i Convention Center’s new pickleball courts from November 1-3, offering a range of activities to celebrate the facility’s opening. Although Ching now divides her time between Hawai‘i and California to care for her mother, her commitment to the sport remains strong.

Ching’s advice for prospective players? “Just have fun. Be a kid. If you’re open to having fun, you’re already on track. Pickleball is all about enjoying the game and laughing along the way.

News in Brief: O‘ahu Pickleball’s Rapid Growth

Donna Ching, founder of the O‘ahu Pickleball Association (OPA), is driving the growth of pickleball, which now has an estimated 13 million players in the U.S., according to the 2024 Sports & Fitness Industry Association report. Ching, originally from Silicon Valley and a former tennis player, founded OPA in 2017 after discovering pickleball in 2016. OPA has become Hawaii’s largest Meetup group with over 5,000 members, offering lessons, tournaments, and community events. Despite the pandemic, pickleball’s popularity surged, leading OPA to expand its programs. OPA will support new pickleball courts at the Hawai‘i Convention Center from November 1-3. Ching continues to advocate for the sport’s benefits and community impact.

Birendra Singh
Birendra Singhhttps://theconwaybulletin.com/
Birender Singh is a sports writer for TheConwayBulletin.com, covering the world of pickleball. Formerly a tennis player, Birender has transitioned to pickleball, bringing his rich experience and passion for sports to his writing. His deep understanding of both tennis and pickleball allows him to deliver insightful and engaging content for readers who share his interest in this exciting game.


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