Callie Jo Smith’s Roll Dink Tips: Professional pickleball player Callie Jo Smith recently took to Instagram to share key tips on mastering the roll dink, a shot gaining popularity in the sport. Smith’s advice focused on maintaining the right posture and body position throughout the shot to avoid common mistakes that can compromise effectiveness. Her insights aim to help players refine their technique and improve consistency on the court.
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Stay Low: The Foundation of a Strong Roll Dink
Smith emphasized the importance of staying in an athletic, low stance when executing a roll dink in pickleball. She noted that players often make the mistake of “popping up” too soon with their legs, which can disrupt balance and affect the shot’s accuracy. By keeping the knees bent and staying down through the motion, players can maintain better control and keep the ball low over the net.
The athletic position is essential in providing stability and allowing the player to generate the right amount of topspin, making it harder for opponents to counterattack.
Avoid Straightening Mid-Shot
Another common issue Smith addressed is the tendency for players to straighten their legs during the shot. She cautioned that doing so can lead to a loss of power and precision, causing the ball to float higher than intended. Smith’s advice encourages players to remain in a low stance throughout the entire shot, ensuring they maintain proper technique until the ball is directed towards its target.
Staying down also allows for quicker recovery, enabling players to be ready for the next shot without compromising their positioning.
Consistency Through Proper Form
Smith’s tips aim to help players develop consistency in their roll dinks by prioritizing correct form over power. Maintaining a low, athletic stance ensures the shot’s trajectory remains controlled, and the topspin is effectively applied. This approach can be especially beneficial when aiming to place the ball in challenging spots for the opponent, such as close to the net or at sharp angles.
Her focus on body positioning serves as a reminder that pickleball is not just about power but also about precision and control.