HomePickleball NewsUSA Pickleball NewsPickleball Tournament In Ashtabula Highlights Growth

Pickleball Tournament In Ashtabula Highlights Growth

Pickleball Tournament In Ashtabula: Pickleball showcased its rising prominence as over 50 participants gathered for the First Annual Fellowship of Christian Athletes Pickleball Tournament, held at the courts adjacent to Harbor Topky Library. The event highlighted the sport’s growing appeal and drew a diverse group of enthusiasts eager to compete.

Challenges and Adjustments

Tournament Director Jim Lebzelter reported strong competition but noted a significant weather-related hurdle. “The only challenge was a storm that hit the area about two hours into the tournament,” Lebzelter said. As the tournament neared its finals, the decision was made to halt play due to the damp conditions affecting the courts.

Division Highlights

In the competitive division, Lebzelter noted that there were four and five-person round robin groups, with 28 participants. Meanwhile, the beginner division continued into the afternoon with 23 players. Lebzelter, who has been involved in pickleball for several years and has helped coordinate clinics at the Ashtabula County YMCA, emphasized the tournament’s role in promoting the sport.

Future Plans and Community Impact

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Area Director Ryan Nevil expressed satisfaction with the event’s success. “Pickleball is really taking off,” Nevil said. “We hope to start some pickleball clubs for youth.” The organization plans to host the tournament again next year, using the event to support athletes and raise funds for the FCA. Nevil highlighted the sport’s ability to bridge generations, offering opportunities for both young and older players to compete together.

News in Brief: Pickleball Tournament In Ashtabula

The First Annual Fellowship of Christian Athletes Pickleball Tournament in Ashtabula drew over 50 participants to the courts by Harbor Topky Library, showcasing the sport’s expanding popularity. Tournament Director Jim Lebzelter reported strong competition but faced challenges due to a storm that dampened the courts, leading to an early conclusion of play. The competitive division featured 28 players in round robin groups, while the beginner division continued with 23 participants. Lebzelter, experienced in pickleball and clinic coordination, noted the event’s success in promoting the sport. FCA Area Director Ryan Nevil praised the day and plans to start youth pickleball clubs. The organization aims to host the tournament annually to support athletes and fundraise for the FCA.

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