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Alabaster Expands Pickleball Facilities in Major Upgrade

Alabaster Expands Pickleball Facilities: In a decisive move to address the increasing demand for pickleball, the Alabaster City Council has approved the addition of three new pickleball courts at Patriots Park. The resolution was passed during a City Council meeting on July 22, marking a significant step in the city’s effort to enhance its recreational facilities and meet the needs of the growing number of pickleball enthusiasts.

Partnership and Funding

The project’s realization is thanks to a fruitful partnership with Shelby County. “Thanks to our great partnership with Shelby County, Alabama, construction will soon begin on three new pickleball courts at Patriots Park next to the park’s existing courts,” the city’s official Facebook post announced. This collaboration shows the community’s commitment to expanding local amenities and supporting recreational activities.

Design and Construction Details

Fred Hawkins, director of environmental, engineering, and building services for Alabaster, provided details on the design changes. The new courts will not only be larger than the existing ones but will also be rotated 90 degrees. This adjustment addresses feedback from residents who have experienced visibility issues due to sunlight. “We’re just excited to finally be able to add this,” said Councilmember Stacy Rakestraw, highlighting the project’s significance for the community.

Contractual Agreements

To facilitate the construction, the City Council approved several key resolutions. A Memorandum of Understanding with Shelby County PARA Group will cover construction, labor, and materials, with a financial limit of $20,279.64. For concrete work, C&W Concrete Construction, Inc. was selected, with an agreement set at $44,715. S&G Waldrop Electric Inc. will handle the electrical work, not exceeding $37,000, while Musco Sports Lighting LLC will supply the lighting equipment, capped at $37,500. Additionally, Metro Fence was contracted for fencing between the new courts, with a budget of $14,936.

Looking Ahead

This expansion represents Alabaster’s proactive approach in responding to the soaring popularity of pickleball. With the new courts, Patriots Park is ready to become an even more attractive destination for all seasoned players and newcomers to the sport. The addition of these facilities shows the city’s dedication to fostering a vibrant and engaged community through enhanced recreational opportunities.

News in Brief: Alabaster Expands Pickleball Facilities

Alabaster City Council has approved the construction of three new pickleball courts at Patriots Park, reflecting the surging popularity of the sport. The decision, made on July 22, follows a partnership with Shelby County, enhancing local recreational amenities. The new courts, set to be larger and rotated 90 degrees to address sunlight issues, will be funded through various agreements.

These include a $20,279.64 Memorandum of Understanding with Shelby County PARA Group, a $44,715 contract with C&W Concrete Construction, a $37,000 deal with S&G Waldrop Electric Inc., a $37,500 agreement with Musco Sports Lighting LLC, and a $14,936 arrangement with Metro Fence for fencing. The expansion promises to significantly improve the park’s facilities.

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