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Northward Prison Embraces Pickleball Revolution in Building Skills and Community

Northward Prison Embraces Pickleball Revolution: For years, inmates at Northward Prison spent their time playing basketball, football, and working out in the gym. Now, they have a new option for recreation with the introduction of pickleball, which is becoming popular in the Cayman Islands. This change comes with the construction of a new court inside the prison.

Renovation and Opening Ceremony

The new pickleball court is situated on the existing basketball court, which underwent a much-needed renovation. Previously, the area had been ruined by unsightly weeds growing through concrete cracks. After weeks of renovations and resurfacing, the official opening took place on Thursday, October 3, with sponsors and government officials present for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, marking the debut of the now multipurpose court.

“Absolutely fantastic initiative and we were just thrilled to get involved in making this opportunity a reality,” said Jerry Beck, owner of Pickleball Cayman on Smith Road. He expressed gratitude to law firm McGrath Tonner for its sponsorship support. The introduction of pickleball comes seven months after the reopening of a newly improved gym at the facility.

A Focus on Rehabilitation

For Director of Prisons Daniel Greaves, the initiative to enhance the gym and introduce a pickleball court reflects a broader commitment to inmates’ well-being.

“It is so important in terms of the process of prisoners’ rehabilitation. We are taking a position where we are looking at it scientifically in terms of their transition in prison and back into society, in terms of activity and staying healthy.” – (Greaves)

Inmates with the necessary skills played a pivotal role in the court’s construction, a project that took several weeks to complete.

“Most of the work was done by the prisoners—the surface of the court, the painting,” Greaves explained. “It took about three weeks, and it could’ve been completed before, but … prison works at certain times.” meaning they could not work full-time on the project.

“We are grateful for the support of the members from the pickleball club who came and ensured that the court was done up to standard, and as you can see, it is beautiful.” – (Greaves)

Northward Prison Embraces Pickleball Revolution 

Inmates’ First Impressions

Among those eager to embrace the new pickleball facility was inmate Jerry Archer, who admitted to having no prior knowledge of pickleball.

“I think it is a really nice facility. I can’t wait to jump in myself, but I never knew anything about it. When I heard about it, I was like, ‘What is pickleball?’” – (Archer told the Compass)

Archer expressed appreciation for the court’s addition to Northward.

“It’s an extracurricular activity for the guys to do during exercise time, and I think everyone is excited. I think whoever is interested will get into it.” – (archer)

Pickleball’s Growing Popularity

That enthusiasm is exactly what Beck believes is necessary for the sport to thrive.

“One of the main reasons that pickleball has gotten so popular is because it’s such a social sport … it’s such an accessible sport because it is so easy to get instant gratification.” – (beck)

Even those unfamiliar with the game, like Archer, can quickly learn and enjoy it.

“Even if you haven’t played the sport before, it’s incredibly easy to enjoy yourself, whereas most sports you have to be quite good before you actually find it fun. That’s a big reason why pickleball is growing so fast.” – (Beck)

“It’s a great workout, it’s great for your health, but it’s also socially very good,” he said, highlighting the positive implications of making the sport accessible to inmates.

“Friendship, teamwork, cooperation, just overall assets for rehabilitation, and I think it’s very important. I can’t think of a place more suited for the donation of a pickleball court than a prison.” – (Beck)

News in Brief: Northward Prison Embraces Pickleball Revolution

Inmates at Northward Prison in Cayman have embraced pickleball following the construction of a new pickleball court on the renovated basketball court. The official opening took place on October 3, with local sponsors and officials in attendance.

Director of Prisons Daniel Greaves emphasized the importance of such initiatives for rehabilitation, while inmates expressed excitement about learning the new sport. Jerry Beck, owner of Pickleball Cayman, praised the sport’s accessibility and social benefits, highlighting its role in fostering teamwork and cooperation among inmates.

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