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HomePickleball NewsHow Anna Leigh Waters Discovered Pickleball: Court That Changed Everything

How Anna Leigh Waters Discovered Pickleball: Court That Changed Everything

How Anna Leigh Waters Discovered Pickleball: In a recent Instagram post, Anna Leigh Waters reflected on her unexpected introduction to pickleball, a journey that began in late 2017 amidst the chaos of Hurricane Irma.

As she and her family prepared to evacuate South Florida, they sought refuge with her grandparents in Pennsylvania. It was there that the seeds of her pickleball passion were planted, thanks to her grandfather, a seasoned player who was eager to share his love for the game.


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The Reluctant Start

Initially, Waters and her mother were hesitant. “No, that’s an old person’s sport. We’re not gonna go play pickleball,” she recalled, dismissing the idea as something reserved for an older generation.

Their doubt reflected a common stereotype about the sport, often perceived as less appealing to younger players. However, boredom soon overtook their reluctance as they found themselves in a new environment, longing for something to fill the time. Her grandfather’s enthusiasm proved infectious, and before long, they were lured onto the court.

Hooked from the First Shot

From the very first shot, Waters felt an undeniable connection to the game. “I was pretty much hooked,” she said, recalling the moment that changed everything. The bright court and the sound of the ball striking the paddle ignited a spark within her. What started as a reluctant venture transformed into an exhilarating experience.

The connection was immediate, not just for Anna but for her mother as well, who started playing at the same time. They quickly found themselves immersed in the sport, playing three times a day, every day, during their stay.

How Anna Leigh Waters Discovers Pickleball

The Return to Florida

When they eventually returned to Florida, the hunt for local pickleball courts became a new mission. Driven by their newfound passion, they sought out venues that would allow them to continue their play. The experience had not only strengthened their bond as mother and daughter but also opened up a new world of competition and community. “The rest is history,” Waters concluded, reflecting on how a simple evacuation led to a profound love for pickleball that would ultimately shape her life and career.

As she continued to develop her skills, Waters became a prominent figure in the pickleball community, turning what began as a summer diversion into a serious commitment. Her journey serves as a testament to how unexpected circumstances can lead to discovering one’s passion, and how the sport of pickleball can unite generations, bridging gaps through shared experiences and enthusiasm.

News in Brief: How Anna Leigh Waters Discovered Pickleball

Anna Leigh Waters recently shared on Instagram how she discovered pickleball during Hurricane Irma in late 2017. Evacuating to Pennsylvania, she initially dismissed the sport as “an old person’s sport,” influenced by common stereotypes. However, after her grandfather encouraged her to try it, she became instantly hooked. Playing three times daily with her mother, their passion grew rapidly, leading them to find local courts upon returning to Florida.

What began as a reluctant attempt turned into a lifelong love for the game, ultimately shaping Waters’ journey in the pickleball community.

ALSO READ: How to Beat Anna Leigh Waters and Catherine Parenteau? A Strategy for Success



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