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Master the Art of Putaways in Pickleball and Watch the Pickleball Game Soar

Master the Art of Putaways in Pickleball: As pickleball grows in popularity, so does the need for players to master advanced pickleball techniques, especially putaways. In competitive matches, an attackable ball presents a prime opportunity to end the point. Yet, many pickleball players—especially those at beginner and intermediate levels—struggle to generate the necessary power to execute a clean putaway. To reach the highest levels of play, learning to maximize power on these pickleball shots is essential.

The Importance of Finishing the Point

One of the most common mistakes seen at the lower levels of play is the failure to capitalize on easy putaways. Pickleball players often get the ball in an advantageous position—usually above the shoulder—but hesitate or fail to hit with enough power.

This inability to finish the point gives the opponent an unnecessary opportunity to stay in the game. In pickleball, when a shot is in the “green zone”—above shoulder height—it’s critical to attack aggressively.

Putaways are a key component of successful play, and when executed correctly, they should end the rally. Players need to recognize the opportunity to attack and take decisive action to put the ball away, ensuring the point is over. Hesitation or conservative play in these situations can result in lost opportunities, especially at higher levels of competition.

Generating Power: The Key Mechanics

To hit an effective putaway in pickleball, preparation and mechanics are vital. The first step is a proper backswing. Unlike most pickleball shots that require minimal backswing, putaways demand a larger wind-up to create maximum acceleration.

Players should coil their shoulders and turn their bodies, much like winding up a slingshot. This coiling effect builds tension in the lower body, allowing for a more explosive release of power when hitting the ball.

One common analogy is to think of accelerating a car. If the goal is to reach a high speed, the car needs a long runway to build up momentum. Similarly, the paddle needs room to accelerate, and a bigger backswing provides this space. Without proper preparation, players will lack the power needed to drive the ball forcefully.

Staying Loose: The Secret to Power and Control

Another crucial aspect of generating power is maintaining a loose arm and shoulder. Tightening up during the swing, whether due to nerves or overthinking, can reduce a player’s ability to snap through the ball.

The grip on the paddle should be firm, but the arm must remain relaxed to allow for a fast, fluid swing. Players often make the mistake of muscling through the shot, but in reality, a relaxed swing generates far more speed and power.

The best comparison is to tennis or golf. In both sports, athletes are taught that tension in the arms reduces the effectiveness of the swing. The same principle applies to pickleball. When players stay loose, they can whip the paddle through the ball, creating a faster and more powerful shot.

Master the Art of Putaways in pickleball

Timing and Contact Point: The Finishing Touch

In addition to a strong backswing and loose arm, timing and the contact point are key. Players must make contact with the ball out in front of their body.

Hitting the ball too far behind or too close to the body limits the acceleration and power of the shot. By meeting the ball in front, players can fully extend their arm and paddle, ensuring they transfer maximum force into the ball.

Once contact is made, following through is essential to direct the ball toward the target. Without a proper follow-through, pickleball players may struggle to control the direction and spin of the ball. Consistent practice is necessary to perfect this timing and ensure that the putaway is powerful and accurate.

Elevating the Pickleball Game

Putaways are a defining element of advanced pickleball play. Mastering this pickleball technique involves recognizing when to attack, generating power through proper preparation, staying loose during the swing, and ensuring a well-timed contact point. Players who focus on improving these areas will see significant improvements in their ability to finish points and control the pace of play.

As the sport continues to grow, understanding how to take advantage of high, attackable balls will become increasingly important for players aspiring to compete at higher levels. With the right approach, pickleball players can transform their putaway shots into a powerful tool for dominating opponents and closing out rallies.

News in Brief: Master the Art of Putaways in pickleball

As pickleball gains popularity, mastering advanced pickleball techniques like putaways is crucial for players, particularly beginners and intermediates. Many fail to capitalize on attackable balls, often hesitating when in the “green zone” above shoulder height. Effective putaways require proper mechanics, including a larger backswing to generate power, maintaining a relaxed arm during the swing, and precise timing for contact.

Players must hit the ball out in front to maximize acceleration and ensure a strong follow-through for accuracy. By improving these skills, players can enhance their ability to finish points and control the game, essential for competing at higher levels.

ALSO READ: Master Offensive Lob in Pickleball with James Ignatowich’s Expert Techniques



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