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Potsdam Pickleplex Upgrades Nearing in Sandstoner Park

Potsdam Pickleplex Upgrades: Sandstoner Park’s pickleball court complex, known locally as the ‘Potsdam Pickleplex,’ continues to receive significant upgrades and enhancements, reflecting the village’s commitment to the sport’s rising popularity. At a special meeting on Tuesday, July 9, the village board of trustees unanimously approved funding for additional fencing at the Pickleplex. The $10,000 expenditure, allocated from the village’s fund balance, will introduce black chain-link fencing with a top rail, serving as dividers for the courts.

Community Investment in Pickleball Facility Upgrades

Funding for the fencing purchase will be supplemented by a contribution from the town, slated for distribution next year. Since its inception in 2022, the village has invested over $100,000 into the pickleball facility, aligning with the sport’s national growth in participants. Village Mayor Alex Jacobs Wilke expressed enthusiasm about the facilities’ burgeoning popularity, stating, “It’s amazing the popularity of those facilities. So we are excited to see them enhanced.”

Deputy Mayor Steve Warr, a firm supporter for pickleball and the courts’ development, detailed the village’s investment in the Pickleplex. Approximately $116,000 has been allocated to the facility, with a substantial portion dedicated to paving, installing lights, and erecting perimeter fencing by Sheehan Contracting. An additional $16,000 was earmarked for court painting.

Supplementary equipment, including a storage shed, blowers, and squeegees for court maintenance, was procured through contributions from the town.

While the Pickleplex is primarily funded and maintained by the village, the town contributes $12,500 annually to support the effort. Warr highlighted ongoing improvements, noting the pending installation of eight benches and a few sets of spectator bleachers, originally part of the village’s recreational enhancement plan.

Membership in North Country Pickleball Club

Membership in the North Country Pickleball Club, which utilizes the courts, currently stands at approximately 265 individuals. The club has organized tournaments, raising nearly $20,000 for local charities to date.

Highlighting the sport’s universal appeal, Warr emphasized its rapid growth across all demographics. “It’s literally the fastest-growing sport in the country,” he affirmed, noting its inclusivity and popularity among high school students to octogenarians. He showed the sport’s gender parity, stating, “And, it’s mixed. The women are just as good as the men, on every level, they are just outstanding.”

Despite consistent use by regulars, the courts have accommodated over 7,000 sessions since opening, reviving the area as a hub for adult recreation and social interaction. “It’s reinvigorated the area, because it’s the first thing we’ve done in 50 years, since I’ve been in the village, for adult recreation, for getting people off the couch,” he mentioned.

“We have the nicest courts north of Syracuse,” Warr proudly asserted to North Country This Week.

Access to the village courts requires a lifetime membership fee of $60 for local residents and $125 for non-residents, facilitating scheduling through the PlayTime Scheduler website, tailored specifically for pickleball courts nationwide.

Potsdam Pickleplex Upgrades

News in Brief: Potsdam Pickleplex Upgrades

Sandstoner Park’s ‘Potsdam Pickleplex’ is seeing extensive upgrades with a recent $10,000 approval for black chain-link fencing, funded by the village’s balance and town contributions. Since 2022, over $100,000 has enhanced facilities, including paving and lighting. Deputy Mayor Steve Warr noted ongoing improvements like benches and spectator bleachers.

Membership in the North Country Pickleball Club has reached 265, hosting tournaments that raised $20,000 for charity. Warr highlighted pickleball’s rapid growth and inclusivity, citing its appeal from high schoolers to seniors. The courts, with over 7,000 sessions, have revived adult recreation in Potsdam, offering memberships at $60 for locals and $125 for non-residents, managed via PlayTime Scheduler.

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