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HomePickleball NewsUSA Pickleball NewsLate Pickleball Ambassador Annette Hayes Honored For Her Legacy

Late Pickleball Ambassador Annette Hayes Honored For Her Legacy

Late Pickleball Ambassador Annette Hayes: Community members gathered at the Betty Queen Center on Tuesday, July 9, to celebrate the life of Annette Hayes, a devoted pickleball player and ambassador, who passed away on February 23. Friends and fellow pickleball enthusiasts came together to share memories and recollect memories of Hayes’ significant impact on the community and the sport.

Christina Miller, Recreation Supervisor for Louisa County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism (LCPRT), played am important role in organizing the event. A plaque featuring Annette’s paddle was unveiled, set to hang permanently in the Betty Queen Center, serving as a lasting tribute to her legacy.

“We wanted to celebrate the life of [Hayes] and all of the successes that she had, the fun, the contribution, and a collaboration that she built with the game of pickleball within our community.-” (Miller)

Ann Estes, a resident of Orange County, recalled her first encounter with Hayes. “I was trying to find someplace to play and found [LCPRT] in Louisa where I signed up for the first beginners class which was taught by Annette,” Estes shared.  “She was a great teacher and someone even told me that she was a very good teacher because I’m a very good player.”

Hayes’ influence extended beyond Louisa, with Estes bringing what she learned to Orange County, where pickleball continues to thrive with dedicated court times.

A Network of Ambassadors

The event also saw the attendance of Carolyn Law and Margie Davenport, fellow ambassadors from the USA Pickleball Association. Davenport, who sponsored Hayes to become an ambassador, reflected on her journey. “Annette initially hesitated to become an ambassador, but she ended up being so wonderful and dedicated to sharing the sport and teaching more people about it,” Davenport said

“I sponsored Annette to become an ambassador because she initially didn’t want to, but she ended up being so wonderful and so dedicated to sharing the sport and teaching more people about it.”-(davenport)

As pickleball ambassadors, their role involves representing the national association, promoting the sport, and encouraging community involvement.

The Social Fabric of Pickleball

Carolyn Law highlighted the communal nature of pickleball. “So many people like Annette are drawn to pickleball not just for recreation, but also the social and familial aspect of. Even if you don’t know how to play and you come to the rec center, you will leave with not just the knowledge of how to play, but a fun way of quickly getting to know lots of people that you would have never known before. Which is why the sport has become so popular in this area.”  Law noted.

Among the attendees was Denise Gordon, Hayes’ daughter, who expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support. She spoke about her mother’s passion for pickleball and her mission to share it with others. “My mother was wonderful, she was strong, she was determined… and [pickleball] became her mission. It makes me so happy to hear that they learned from her and are now teaching others because that’s what she would’ve wanted.” Gordon said.

Continuing the Mission

Linda Scott, District Ambassador for Pickleball in Charlottesville, Richmond, and Williamsburg, mentioned the ongoing search for someone to fill Hayes’ role as Louisa’s pickleball ambassador. ‘One of her last wishes, before she passed away, was that we would find an ambassador to be able to carry on what she was doing and help to grow pickleball in this area. If you are interested or know someone interested, just know that you would be doing it as a special favor to Annette.’ Scott urged.

“One of her last wishes, before she passed away, was that we would find an ambassador to be able to carry on what she was doing and help to grow pickleball in this area. If you are interested or know someone interested, just know that you would be doing it as a special favor to Annette.” -(scott)

Late Pickleball Ambassador Annette Hayes 1

News in Brief: Late Pickleball Ambassador Annette Hayes

Community members gathered on July 9 at the Betty Queen Center to honor Annette Hayes, a devoted pickleball player and ambassador who passed away on February 23. Organized by Christina Miller of Louisa County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, the event featured a plaque dedication.

Friends and fellow players, including ambassadors Carolyn Law and Margie Davenport, shared memories of Hayes’ impact. Her teachings have helped pickleball thrive in Orange County. Hayes’ daughter, Denise Gordon, expressed gratitude for the community’s support. Linda Scott announced the search for a new ambassador to continue Hayes’ mission of promoting pickleball.

ALSO READ: Beachwood Native Dominates National Pickleball League in Ohio



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