HomePickleball NewsUSA Pickleball NewsOld Coast Pickleball Club Boosts Match Quality with CourtReserve and DUPR Integration

Old Coast Pickleball Club Boosts Match Quality with CourtReserve and DUPR Integration

Old Coast Pickleball Club Boosts Match Quality: Old Coast Pickleball Club (OCP), founded by CourtReserve co-founders Tim and Ashley Owens, launched on April 26, 2024, with a mission to provide a premier indoor pickleball experience in North East Florida. Since its opening, it has quickly become a prominent destination in the St. Augustine sports community, celebrated for its innovative member engagement and competitive play.

Vision and Challenges

Tim and Ashley Owens envisioned OCP as a hub for pickleball enthusiasts, fostering a vibrant community and ensuring fair competition. As the club grew, maintaining this balance proved challenging, particularly with players of diverse skill levels. Old Coast Pickleball Club Director Jack Johnson shared this vision:

“Many of our members were looking for more than just a place to play; they wanted a way to measure their progress and ensure they were competing on a level playing field.”- (Jack Johnson, Director, Old Coast Pickleball Club)

Enter DUPR’s Rating System

To address the need for a standardized rating system, OCP adopted the Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR). Despite CourtReserve’s customizable options, Tim and Ashley chose DUPR for its broad acceptance and objective metrics.

“DUPR provides a universally recognized rating system that our members trust. It was the perfect solution to foster fair competition and encourage player improvement.” – (Tim)

The simplicity of DUPR’s registration process was a significant advantage.

“It’s easy for players to sign up for a DUPR account for free. The process is straightforward, and members can start seeing their ratings improve as they participate in events.” – (Jack)

DUPR Implementation and Integration

Integrating DUPR with CourtReserve was a crucial step for enhancing the club’s value to its members.

“The integration process was smoother than we anticipated. CourtReserve’s support team was instrumental in addressing the few challenges we faced, mainly aligning the systems to ensure accurate data transfer.” – (Jack)

By incorporating DUPR, OCP could objectively rank players, providing clear goals and opportunities to improve. This system attracted new members and maintained high engagement among existing ones, contributing to the club’s impressive retention rate.

Each game at OCP is meticulously scheduled to ensure equal playtime. With a maximum of 10 players per session, all scores are submitted to DUPR, helping players track and enhance their ratings for future competitions.

AspectBefore CourtReserve x DUPRAfter CourtReserve x DUPR
Player Skill Tracking and MatchupsLimited ability to track and manage player skill levels and matchups.Integration with DUPR allows for dynamic and accurate player ratings, improving match quality and fairness.
Standardized Rating SystemNo standardized rating system, leading to inconsistencies in player matchups.Adoption of the globally recognized DUPR system, ensuring consistent and transparent player ratings.
Tournament Setup and ManagementTime-consuming, manual tournament setup and management.Efficient tournament setup and management based on DUPR ratings, reducing admin time and maintaining the club’s 100% retention rate.

Member Engagement and Feedback

Since adopting DUPR, member engagement at OCP has surged.

“Our members love that they can count on getting good games, thanks to DUPR and CourtReserve. Knowing they’ll be matched with players of similar skill levels has increased their investment in their membership and even encouraged them to spend extra on lessons.” – (Jack)

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the transparency and fairness of the rating system.

“It’s really added value to their experience.” – (Jack)

“Our 100% retention rate speaks volumes. For other club owners considering DUPR, my advice is simple—do it. The impact on member satisfaction and operational efficiency is undeniable.” – (Jack)

Operational Benefits

DUPR’s integration with CourtReserve has streamlined OCP’s operations. Event organization, member scheduling, and tournament management have become more efficient, allowing the club to focus on growth and member satisfaction.

“Since implementing DUPR, we’ve seen increased event participation and successfully launched programs for all skill levels. The objective nature of DUPR has minimized egos and subjective opinions, fostering a more welcoming environment.” – (Jack)

Competitive and Community Impact

DUPR has enhanced OCP’s competitive atmosphere and strengthened its community ties.

“The system has brought members closer together; I literally watch the camaraderie as they compete and improve their skills. It’s amazing to see how DUPR has helped build a stronger, more connected community within our club.” – (Jack)

Results and Growth

OCP’s strategic use of DUPR has led to exceptional results. The club has maintained a 100% retention rate and witnessed significant growth in membership and event participation.

“Members appreciate playing with others at their level, which is why they stay. DUPR has been a key factor in our success.” – (Jack)

Future Plans

Looking ahead, OCP plans to continue using the strengths of CourtReserve and DUPR. With plans to expand programming and open a new 12-court facility in 2025, the club is set for even greater success.

“Our 100% retention rate speaks volumes. For other club owners considering DUPR, my advice is simple—do it. The impact on member satisfaction and operational efficiency is undeniable.” – (Jack)

“Our members love that they can count on getting good games, thanks to DUPR and CourtReserve.” – (Jack)

News in Brief: Old Coast Pickleball Club Boosts Match Quality

Before integrating CourtReserve and DUPR, Old Coast Pickleball Club struggled with limited player skill tracking and inconsistent matchups, lacking a standardized rating system. Tournament setup was time-consuming and manual. After adopting these systems, the club achieved dynamic and accurate player ratings, enhancing match quality and fairness.

The globally recognized DUPR system brought consistency and transparency to player ratings, while efficient tournament management reduced administrative time. These improvements have contributed to maintaining the club’s impressive 100% member retention rate.



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