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HomeCanada Pickleball NewsPickleball In Windsor-Essex Becoming Addictive

Pickleball In Windsor-Essex Becoming Addictive

Pickleball In Windsor-Essex: On a sun-drenched Sunday afternoon in Tecumseh, Brad Godin finds himself fully immersed in a spirited game of pickleball. An auto worker by day, Godin has discovered a new passion on the court. “I work at Chryslers and a bunch of us started playing last spring and it’s fantastic. It’s fun. It’s good exercise and we can’t wait to come out every time,” Godin shares with enthusiasm. His experience reflects a broader trend: pickleball, blending elements of badminton and table tennis, is surging in popularity across Windsor-Essex.

A Snowball Effect Pickleball

Daphne Reid, president of Pickleball Ontario, captures the essence of the sport’s allure: “It’s addictive. You start playing, you don’t want to stop.” Her words are supported by a surge in local interest. Windsor is actively addressing this demand with the construction of four new outdoor pickleball courts. The Tecumseh Pickleball Association (TPA), which boasted around 300 members last year, has seen its numbers swell to approximately 650. Additionally, a waiting list of a hundred eager new players is now seeking lessons.

Malinda Hebert, TPA president, describes the growth as explosive. “It’s like a snowball that’s getting bigger and bigger and it’s just out of control to tell you the truth,” she observes. Both Reid and Hebert trace the sport’s local popularity to its origins in Florida, brought back by returning snowbirds.

Breaking the Stereotype

Contrary to the notion that pickleball is a pastime for retirees, the sport is attracting a diverse age range. The top female player is just 16 years old, and the leading male is 24. Reid emphasizes the sport’s universal appeal: “It’s a sport that can be played in any demographic. You can be seven years old. You can be 97 years old.”

For Tyler Sasso, 32, and his wife Lisette, 28, pickleball is a family affair introduced by his father. “It keeps you active and it’s something fun to do for the whole family,” Lisette adds.

Future Needs and Expansion

As pickleball’s popularity continues to rise, so does the need for additional facilities. Hebert highlights the current shortage of indoor pickleball courts in Windsor-Essex, urging that more be constructed to accommodate year-round play. “If you build it they will come,” Hebert asserts,”And we desperately need more courts out there.” Both she and Reid are optimistic about the sport’s potential but stress the importance of expanding infrastructure to keep pace with the growing demand.

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News in Brief: Pickleball In Windsor-Essex

Pickleball is rapidly gaining popularity in Windsor-Essex, transcending its reputation as a sport for retirees. On a sunny Sunday in Tecumseh, auto worker Brad Godin and others exemplify the sport’s widespread appeal. Local officials are responding by building four new outdoor pickleball courts in Windsor and exploring additional indoor facilities. Daphne Reid of Pickleball Ontario emphasizes the sport’s universal appeal.

Also Read: Twitter Storm Erupts Over Allegations in Pickleball Community



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