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HomePickleball NewsPickleball Burns More Calories: 540 to 620 Per Hour

Pickleball Burns More Calories: 540 to 620 Per Hour

Pickleball Burns More Calories: In a familiar scene across America, trucks work tirelessly to strip away local basketball courts, making way for shiny new pickleball courts. This transformation is symbolic of pickleball’s rapid rise as the fastest-growing sport in the country, with a projected annual growth rate of 7.7%. Yet, this growth hasn’t come without its share of controversy.

Critics Challenge Pickleball’s Physical Demands

The transition from basketball to pickleball courts has frustrated some sports enthusiasts, particularly those loyal to basketball and tennis. Critics argue that pickleball lacks the physical intensity found in sports like tennis and basketball. They believe that pickleball, with its smaller court and less demanding movements, doesn’t match the rigorous physical activity of its counterparts.

Pickleball’s Caloric Burn and Professional Scene

However, a closer look at the numbers tells a different story. According to Harvard Health, pickleball actually burns more calories than activities such as golf and indoor volleyball—540 to 620 calories per hour, compared to 445 and 350 calories, respectively. This suggests that pickleball can offer a significant workout, challenging the notion that it is less physically demanding.

Moreover, pickleball’s competitive scene is robust and growing. Professional leagues like the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) and the Association of Pickleball Players (APP) host international tournaments, with PPA pros earning an average of $96,000 in 2022. This level of competition and financial reward underscores the sport’s legitimacy and appeal.

Experience It Yourself: A New Perspective

For skeptics, the best way to measure pickleball’s true nature might be to step onto a court. A game against a seasoned player, regardless of age, might shift their perspective. As pickleball continues to expand and evolve, it challenges old perceptions and shows that it is a sport worthy of respect and recognition.

News in Brief: Pickleball Burns More Calories

As pickleball courts replace basketball courts across America, the sport is experiencing rapid growth, with a projected annual increase of 7.7%. Despite criticism that pickleball lacks the physical intensity of sports like tennis and basketball, Harvard Health reports that it burns 540 to 620 calories per hour, more than golf and indoor volleyball.

Pickleball’s competitive scene is also thriving, with professional leagues like the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) and the Association of Pickleball Players (APP) hosting international tournaments. In 2022, PPA pros earned an average of $96,000, highlighting the sport’s financial and competitive legitimacy.

Skeptics are encouraged to try the game themselves, as playing against a seasoned opponent might change their perspective. Pickleball’s continued expansion challenges outdated views and shows its status as a serious, physically demanding sport.

ALSO READ: The Picklr Raises Its Valuation: Pickleball Investment Boom



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