HomePickleball NewsUSA Pickleball NewsBen Johns' Quick Tips for a Smooth Tennis-to-Pickleball Switch

Ben Johns’ Quick Tips for a Smooth Tennis-to-Pickleball Switch

Ben Johns’ Quick Tips: If you’re a seasoned tennis player making the leap to pickleball, you might feel like you’re stepping into a whole new world. But according to Ben Johns, one of the game’s elite players, many of your tennis skills can translate seamlessly into pickleball.

Embrace Your Hands: Precision Over Power

In pickleball, the art of using your hands becomes even more crucial than in tennis. While tennis often relies on powerful groundstrokes and serves, pickleball demands a finer touch. Ben Johns emphasizes the need to refine your hand skills to excel at this sport. This means focusing on the subtleties of your grip and stroke mechanics.

For groundstrokes, you’ll want to adapt your tennis technique to the shorter, lighter paddle used in pickleball. This involves reducing the exaggerated backswing and follow-through common in tennis. Instead, develop a more compact swing with a focus on precision and control. Practice hitting with a soft, steady touch to manage the ball’s speed and placement effectively.

Good court sense is equally important. In pickleball, being aware of your position and anticipating your opponent’s moves can be a game-changer. Johns advises paying close attention to the ball’s trajectory and your opponent’s body language. This heightened awareness will help you respond more quickly and strategically, allowing you to make the most of your hand skills and adjust to the fast-paced nature of the game.

Flatten Out Your Shots: Adapt Your Groundstrokes

While tennis might favor heavy topspin, pickleball calls for a flatter approach. Ben Johns suggests that you modify your groundstrokes and volleys to suit the faster, more direct nature of pickleball. By flattening out your shots, you’ll be able to keep the ball lower and more controlled, making it easier to handle the short, swift rallies that define pickleball.

Embrace the Mid-Court: Play with Confidence

One of the biggest shifts is the handling of the mid-court area. Unlike tennis, where you might avoid the mid-court, pickleball players often find themselves dealing with balls in this zone. Don’t shy away from this part of the court. Instead, use it to your advantage. Be confident in your positioning and proactive with your shots. Your ability to handle mid-court balls with composure can turn potential challenges into scoring opportunities.

Transitioning from tennis to pickleball can be a tough change. By focusing on these key areas—mastering your hands, adapting your strokes, and embracing the mid-court—you’ll find that your tennis background gives you a strong foundation in this exciting sport.

Ben Johns' Quick Tips

News in Brief: Ben Johns’ Quick Tips

Transitioning from tennis to pickleball can be smooth if you leverage your existing skills effectively. According to Ben Johns, focus on refining your hand skills for greater precision, as pickleball demands a finer touch compared to tennis’s power-based play. Adapt your groundstrokes by flattening your shots to match pickleball’s quicker, more controlled rallies. Practice a compact swing and soft, steady touch to manage ball placement. Enhance your court sense by paying attention to ball trajectory and opponent movements. Embrace the mid-court area confidently, using it to your advantage rather than avoiding it.

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