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Floating Pickleball Court: Novelty or Necessity

Floating Pickleball Court: Let’s hope their dinks don’t sink. That was the first thought when photos emerged of the M/Y Aretha, a yacht cruising the Adriatic with a full-sized, over-water, inflatable pickleball court tethered to its side. These images, which have quickly gone viral, introduce a whole new dimension to the sport. But the notion of playing pickleball on a floating court raises a few curious questions.

The Floating Pickleball Court

Picture this: pristine waters, a luxurious yacht, and a pickleball court bobbing alongside. Does the paddle double as an actual paddle if the court drifts away? Are bonus points awarded for hitting a dolphin? And given the setting, does the pickleball “kitchen” come with steak tartar and caviar? Via Croatia, the company behind this venture, assures that the court is firmly anchored and won’t drift off on its own. The setup, which takes the crew about four hours to inflate and deflate, remains stable and playable for up to two days in calm seas.

Practical Concerns: Paddle and Ball Retrieval

While the idea is undeniably intriguing, there are practical concerns. What happens when a ball flies off the court and into the water? Gabriella Ribeiro, Via Croatia’s Chief Exploration Officer, explained, “The crew is extremely attentive and makes every effort to retrieve any stray balls from the water.” So, even on the high seas, the game doesn’t have to stop.

Luxury Meets Sport

This fusion of luxury yachting and the ever-popular game of pickleball is a testament to the sport’s growing appeal and the innovative ways people are finding to enjoy it. Whether it’s the novelty of the floating court or the sheer thrill of playing pickleball in such an exclusive setting, the M/Y Aretha offers an experience like no other. It’s a reminder that when it comes to pickleball, the sky—or in this case, the sea—is the limit.

Floating Pickleball Court
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News in Brief: Floating Pickleball Court

The M/Y Aretha, a yacht in the Adriatic, features a full-sized, over-water, inflatable pickleball court, creating a unique and luxurious experience. The setup, managed by Via Croatia, takes approximately four hours to inflate and deflate, remaining stable and playable for up to two days in calm seas. Gabriella Ribeiro, Chief Exploration Officer at Via Croatia, assures that the court is securely attached and the crew diligently retrieves any stray balls from the water. This innovative concept has quickly gained viral attention, highlighting the growing appeal of pickleball and the creative ways it can be enjoyed. The fusion of luxury yachting and pickleball on the high seas offers a one-of-a-kind sporting experience.

Also Read: Upcoming Facilities of Pickleball Xpress: The Beginners



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