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HomePickleball NewsMastering the Reset with Allyce Jones: Precision and Control Tips

Mastering the Reset with Allyce Jones: Precision and Control Tips

Mastering the Reset with Allyce Jones: In the fast-paced world of professional pickleball, few shots are as critical—and as challenging—as the reset. Allyce Jones, a top 15 women’s doubles player on the PPA Tour, understands the intricacies of this shot better than most. In her latest instructional video, Jones shares her insights on the mechanics of the reset, emphasizing its importance for transitioning from the mid-court to the kitchen line.

The Athletic Stance

Jones begins by highlighting the foundation of any successful reset: the stance. “Okay, first thing is the base,” she says. For Jones, this means adopting a “nice athletic position.” Unlike a deep squat, which restricts movement, her stance is dynamic, with weight forward on the toes and the paddle held firmly out in front. This readiness is crucial for responding to the ball effectively.

The Two-Handed Hold

In her demonstration, Jones uses a two-handed grip, which she refers to as a “twoy.” This grip provides stability and control, essential for managing the ball’s speed and direction. As the ball approaches, Jones advises players to “hold and stick my paddle as that ball comes at me.” This technique, she explains, applies equally to forehand shots and those taken off the bounce.

Timing and Positioning

Jones stresses the importance of timing in executing the reset. “If it’s off the bounce, I’m going to short hop,” she instructs, aiming to catch the ball on its way up. Keeping the paddle about a paddle length in front, she maintains control over the shot. Even when the ball is behind her, she strives to “keep the paddle in front of this front knee,” ensuring she remains in a strong position to respond.

Handling High Shots

Adapting to high shots is another critical aspect of Jones’ technique. She demonstrates how to reach for these balls while maintaining her low, stable base. “If it gets high, I can go after it,” she notes, but the key is to stay in control and get the ball down. This approach allows her to manage high shots effectively without sacrificing her positioning or balance.

Practical Application

In the final segment of her tutorial, Jones brings all these elements together. Her mantra of “out in front, out in front, out in front” shows the consistency needed for effective resets. Whether reaching for high balls or managing awkward angles, her technique remains grounded in these fundamental principles.

“I’m Allyce Jones, and that’s how you hit a midcourt reset,” she concludes, encapsulating her approach in a straightforward, actionable manner.

Beyond Technique: The Path to Mastery

Jones’ tutorial is more than just a technical guide; it’s a glimpse into the mindset of a top-tier professional. Her emphasis on stance, grip, timing, and positioning reflects the meticulous attention to detail that characterizes elite athletes. For players aspiring to elevate their game, Jones’ insights offer a clear path to mastering one of pickleball’s most vital skills.

In the world of professional pickleball, where precision and control can make all the difference, Jones’ approach to the reset stands out. Her dedication to the craft and her ability to break down complex techniques into accessible steps make her a valuable resource for players at all levels. As the sport continues to grow, it’s athletes like Allyce Jones who are paving the way, sharing their knowledge and inspiring the next generation of pickleball enthusiasts.

Mastering the Reset with Allyce Jones
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News in Brief: Mastering the Reset with Allyce Jones

Top 15 PPA Tour women’s doubles player Allyce Jones shares her expertise on the crucial pickleball reset shot in a new instructional video. Jones emphasizes the importance of an athletic stance, a two-handed grip for stability, and precise timing. She highlights key techniques such as maintaining a dynamic base, holding the paddle out front, and managing high shots with control. Her tutorial offers practical insights for players aiming to master midcourt resets, blending technical guidance with a professional’s mindset. Jones’ approach provides valuable strategies for enhancing precision and control in pickleball.

Also Read: Ben Johns Shares His Secret of Pickleball on Mastering the Backhand Roll Shot

Sonam Hozer
Sonam Hozer
Sonam Hozer is a writer for with a keen interest in pickleball. His enthusiasm for the sport drives him to explore and share the latest developments and stories within the pickleball community. Sonam's passion for pickleball ensures that his content is both engaging and informative for readers who love the game.


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